
I’m inspired to activate system transformations that generate compelling visions, vibrant connections, and tangible personal support, offering opportunities for everyone to fulfill their potential for personal and collective greatness.

- Kit Tennis, Ph.D

Christopher (Kit) Tennis, Ph.D

Kit Tennis, Ph.D., is expert in global multicultural belonging and inclusion, erasing unconscious bias, large systems change, organizational cultural renewal, team development, resiliency, neuroleadership, and emotional intelligence. Known for his lively, engaging style and his explicit trust in the innate genius of everyone he meets, Kit guides people in leveraging their inherent brilliance for personal and organizational success.

In addition to his 35 years of domestic and international consulting practice, Kit has administered governmental social service delivery systems, served as a municipal personnel director, managed academic service programs, and developed successful nonprofit human service organizations.

As part of his commitment to the work of the global nonprofit, the Pachamama Alliance, he has also, for the last nine years, led groups of business people and their families on journeys deep into the Amazon rainforest to learn from the Achuar and Sapara tribes about the possibility of living as an integral part of the natural world, rather than apart from it.

Kit’s doctorate in organization development is from the University of Colorado. With published research connecting organizational climate and workplace burnout in the U.S. and other cultures, his recent publications include “U.S. Experience in Managing Diversity: A Consulting View” in Diversity Management e Societa Multiculturale: Teorie e Prassi, “Discovering Your Positive Core: A Personal Guide”, and “The Strategic Matrix for Diversity Initiatives”.
