We are pleased to offer a broad range of speaking topics to our clients and the public. We deeply appreciate the opportunity to share our knowledge, insights and wisdom. In our talks, we deliver highly engaging and moving experiences of new science, traditional wisdom and thoroughly practical applications for the creation and enhancement of organizational culture, community and societal renewal, and personal growth and transformation. We impart knowledge, generate insight, facilitate positive change, and share our absolute commitment to live-giving relationships and human systems that bring out and celebrate the very best in all they touch. We are always intensely interested in the stories of our audiences and we build our talks to speak directly to their needs and interests.
We enjoy exploring possibilities with you. Call or write us!
You Can’t Google Wisdom
Transformational business consultant and indigenous author Dr. Anita Sanchez says it’s time to put down our smart phones and truly connect with each other. “We do not need more information,” she says. “What we’re hurting for is wisdom.” Anita shares the wisdom of the Elders in her new book, “The Four Sacred Gifts: Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times.”
Discovering Harmony in an Era of #MeToo
Drawing on decades of experience transforming relationships between women and men at work, Dr. Sanchez speaks to the challenges of facing our history and reaching for a new story as enthusiastic, aware, and proactive partners within and across gender at work. We are in a moment of great opportunity, when our hopes can outreach our hurts and our vision of a generative future together can transform workplaces and society.
Business Innovators Start with a Dream
Does your company culture feel stuck and uninspired? Are working relationships strained? Is productivity less than ideal? Author and transformational business consultant Dr. Anita Sanchez invites companies to imagine what it would look like if everything were great. This process of “dreaming” can create just the shift your business needs to succeed.
The Power of Unity
The gift of unity supports our ability to be in right relation and connection with all beings. Unity means oneness; everything is connected to everything else. When we work with any one part of the circle, the whole circle is affected. Transformational leadership consultant and author Dr. Anita Sanchez shares the wisdom of the world’s Elders from her new book, “The Four Sacred Gifts.”
Wisdom from the 2%
Native Americans are only about 2% of the total population of the United States, but that 2% holds wisdom about how to survive genocide, how to survive your land being taken and how to survive institutions that are in place to hold you down. Theirs is a story of resilience in the face of overwhelming adversity. Aztec Mexican-American author and speaker Dr. Anita Sanchez talks about changing the Native American story to one of empowerment and connection.
The Four Elements of Healing
Author and leadership consultant Dr. Anita Sanchez shares the four basic elements of healing that can be used in any situation: listening, supportive relationships, unconditional love and committing to change/positive action.
The Power to Forgive the Unforgivable
In her book “The Four Sacred Gifts,” Dr. Anita Sanchez shares the call from the Elders to receive the gift of forgiving the unforgivable. Through indigenous wisdom and her own experience of trauma, Anita offers all of us the opportunity to be free of the past and fully embrace the lives we have been given.
Wisdom Is Power
When we allow ourselves to be quiet enough to listen to the wisdom in our lives, from Elders and from within, we give ourselves the opportunity to experience transformation. Aztec Mexican-American author and coach Dr. Anita Sanchez shares tools and tips from her new book, “The Four Sacred Gifts.”
Breaking Business Silence Around Race
When it comes to gender inequality or the treatment of LGBTQ people in the workplace, many executives have spoken out on these issues. However as the Black Lives Matter movement formed in response to a national string of killings of unarmed black people, the silence from American businesses was deafening. Transformational business consultant Dr. Anita Sanchez talks about the importance of recognizing our connection and not staying silent as well as offering tips for how to create an inclusive workplace.
Forgiveness as Spiritual Alchemy
Aztec Mexican-American author Dr. Anita Sanchez describes forgiveness as “an empowering act of spiritual alchemy, a powerful medicine transforming the hurt into a source of deeper compassion and relationship with oneself and others in the hoop of life.” She shares tips for how to receive the gift of forgiveness from her book, “The Four Sacred Gifts.”
How to Create a Life of Unity
As an individual, how can each of us take steps to create more unity in our lives? Aztec Mexican-American author and transformational leadership consultant Dr. Anita Sanchez offers tips from her new book, “The Four Sacred Gifts.”
Nature’s Medicine
In the Amazon rainforest, the indigenous people draw directly on nature for healing. They draw on the plants, water, and minerals that surround them to cure wounds, fevers, and disease. As Aztec Mexican-American author Dr. Anita Sanchez shares in her new book, “The healing process reflects indigenous belief that life is interconnected and everything needed is available within and around us to heal injuries on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.”
What Is Hope?
Author and indigenous thought leader Dr. Anita Sanchez helps us to understand what hope is and how it can transform our lives. “When we open to hope, it is possible to release the pressure and desire to know everything, the need to think we are in control.”
We’re All In It: Outgrowing our Unconscious Bias
All human brains rely on short cuts and simplified models to manage the massive amounts of information we encounter every second. Add evolutionary, societal, and individual life influences, and an entire encyclopedia of attitudes about our world is a natural result. However, we are deeply unaware of most of those biases and how they affect our daily behavior, particularly toward others that our mind has classified as “different from me”. Kit illuminates the workings behind the curtain, their impacts on all of us, and offers a set of robustly effective strategic disciplines for re-writing those bias-stories, to take back control of the narratives that drive our responses to others we are predisposed to undervalue, mistrust, or mistreat.
What is whiteness? Discovering a Rich Culture
Although most White Americans don’t recognize it, white culture has an origin story, a track through history, a set of distinct values & beliefs, and a way of being in the world that is recognizable to nearly everyone but those who embody it. Kit shines a spotlight on this rich culture, exploring its strengths and overuses, and how it shapes people, organizations and the national discourse in an illuminating, entertaining, and still sobering exploration of White Americans. This information is essential for understanding, and transforming, the culture of white-majority organizations and institutions.
Great White Allies: Showing Up and Standing Up
Neither defensive, guilty, disempowered or ignorant, great White allies are a source of important support, cultural expertise, followership and even humble leadership in our long-lasting campaign for social equity, justice and dignity for all. Our colleagues and our communities need us to step up as whole and healed exemplars of vibrant collaboration in the cultivation of lasting and abundant cross-cultural creativity and nation-building. Dr. Kit Tennis shines a light on the best characteristics of white allyship, as well as the lifelong learning journey it entails.
Being a “Real Man” in a World of #MeToo
Although the idea of a “real man” has all too often reflected stereotypic male images of distant, tough, even invulnerable men, there is another picture available. Real men can be courageously vulnerable and responsible, disarmingly available and supportive, strong yet invitingly permeable. Dr. Kit Tennis explores the dynamic potential of fully-rounded manhood in a world where men can, and are being asked to, simultaneously be healers and fighters, hunters and homemakers. A new definition of manliness is rising, and this talk illuminates the path.
The Man’s Journey: Growing Up Male and Achieving Mature Manhood
Men are an astounding mix of nature and nurture, of physical and neurophysical development and the pressure-cooker of our families, communities and institutions. Kit guides audiences on the epic journey of growing into manhood, from lessons imparted in infancy, through the explorations of childhood, toward the uncertainty of adolescence and the narrowing of adulthood. When seen in perspective, some of the story is hilarious and parts are tragic, some is sobering and yet more is heartening. Insight, compassion, and a call to courage are the results.